Why is the maker of AndroGel testosterone gel being sued?

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Testosterone replacement therapy drug alleged to cause heart attacks and strokes

Testosterone replacement therapy drugs like AndroGel have been accused of causing serious health problems.

Men who used AndroGel testosterone gel and suffered adverse health consequences are filing lawsuits across the country. The lawsuits accuse AbbVie Inc. and Abbot Laboratories, the makers and distributors of AndroGel, of deceptively advertising the low-T drug as safe and negligently causing harm to the patients who took the product. The Cochran Firm, D.C. has not filed these lawsuits, but its experienced attorneys are actively investigating testosterone replacement therapy legal claims.

The lawsuits accuse AbbVie and Abbot Laboratories of engaging in an aggressive advertising campaign that in addition to TV, radio, magazine, and online marketing, included unbranded “disease awareness” campaigns designed to make men think they suffer from “low-T.” The disease awareness campaign associated low testosterone with general symptoms that can be associated with natural aging such as fatigue, decreased libido, decreased muscle mass, mood changes, deterioration in the ability to play sports, and lessened work performance. The AndroGel lawsuits allege that the low-T drug is unsafe for consumers and that AbbVie and Abbot should have known of AndroGel’s risks.

Plaintiffs filing AndroGel lawsuits include:

  • 56-year-old Gary White of Staten Island, New York: He was prescribed AndroGel after seeing low testosterone television ads and believing he suffered from this so-called disease. Although having no prior history of heart problems, he suffered a cerebrovascular accident after using AndroGel. Due to his injuries, White now requires medication and regular medical testing for the rest of his life and must adhere to a strict diet.
  • 54-year-old Michael Gallagher of Midlothian, Virginia: Gallagher was prescribed AndroGel and suffered myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and other physical and emotional injuries after using the low-T gel.
  • 50-year-old Steve Marino of Saint Louis, Missouri: Marino saw AndroGel advertisement that explained alleged symptoms of low testosterone. Despite having no history of cardiac problems, Marino suffered a transient ischemic attack after using AndroGel.
  • 61-year-old Steven Myers of Arlington, Texas: Myers used AndroGel and suffered a myocardial infarction despite having no history of cardiovascular problems. His lawsuit states that AndroGel caused him physical and emotional impairment that affected his personal and professional life.
  • 63-year-old Kenneth Aurecchia of Riverside, Rhode Island: Aurecchia suffered a myocardial infarction after using AndroGel testosterone gel despite having no prior history of cardiac events.

The testosterone replacement therapy lawsuits request compensation for lost earnings, medical expenses, loss of companionship, punitive damages, injunctive relief, and other damages. If you or someone you love suffered adverse health problems after using AndroGel testosterone gel, please contact our team of legal professionals to receive a free case evaluation. Because deadlines apply to filing claims, we recommend contacting us as soon as possible. All inquiries are free, confidential, and carry no obligation.

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